Our respected Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Nawal-ur-Rahman (Damat Barakatuhum) is widely recognized and known in the Islamic circles of India, the United States, and the world at large as an esteemed scholar of Hadith and Fiqh as well as a Sheikh of Tasawwuf. Along with his achievements in these fields of knowledge, the Sheikh has been blessed to serve the cause of Deen in the capacity of a preacher and speaker throughout the world.

His full name is Muhammad Nawal-ur-Rahman Ibn Ghulam Muhammad Ibn Hussain, and according to his passport, he was born on July 20, 1958. His ancestral hometown is Mughal Gidda, Shadnagar, Mahbubnagar District. He moved to Hyderabad where he initially stayed in Qazipura for a few years and then settled in Yusuf Nagar.

He completed his memorization of the Quran in his native Mughal Gidda under the tutelage of Hafiz Khalil Allah at a young age. He then received his early education in Misbah-ul-Uloom Latur Madrasa. At that time, the principal of the madrasa was Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghafoor Sahib Qureshi, in whose biography it’s mentioned that Hazrat’s enrolment in the Madrasa was inspired through ilham. It’s said that Hazrat was on the way to the madrasa along with his father and grandfather in order to enroll himself and his brother, Hazrat Mufti Jamal-ur-Rahman Sahib, who was also present. Before they arrived, the principal received ilham of their approach and that they should be accepted. After completing his early education, Hazrat was accepted to Darul Uloom Deoband. However, due to certain external factors, he decided to set his sights towards Miftah Ul Uloom Jalalabad. There, he furthered his studies from Sharh-e-Jami onwards under the tutelage of Hazrat Shah Maseehullah Khan Sahib, eventually completing his Iftaa there as well. 

His teachers:

  1. Hazrat-e-Aqdas Maulana Maseehullah Khan Sahib
  2. Hazrat Maulana Yaseen Sahib
  3. Hazrat Maulana Naseer Ahmad Khan Sahib
  4. Hazrat Maulana Wajid Hussain Sahib
  5. Hazrat Maulana Aqeelurrahman Sahib

May Allah have mercy on them all. 

In the path of Ihsan and Sulook, Hazrat remained connected to Hazrat Shah Maseehullah Khan Sahib, benefitting from his company even during his days as a student. He was always present in his sheikh’s gatherings, and after graduation he spent a further six months in Hazrat Maseehullah Sahib’s close company during which time he made bay’ah as well.

Upon returning to the Deccan, Hazrat was honored to receive Khilafah in all 4 major chains of Tasawwuf from his father Hazrat Shah Sufi Ghulam Muhammad Sahib, who was himself a great individual in that field and the Khalifah of Hazrat Shah Muhammad Hussain Sahib. Thereafter Hazrat Maseehullah Sahib also intimated his intention of granting his Ijazah, but before the journey could be made from Hyderabad he passed on from this fleeting world. After his death, his Khalifah Dr.Tanvir Ahmad Sahib conferred Khilafah to Hazrat. Dr.Tanvir Sahib himself says that he was commanded to do so by Hazrat Shah Maseehullah Sahib in a dream.

Having completed his studies, Hazrat began to take on the role of teacher and propagate his knowledge to countless students. He was among the first teachers of Darul Uloom Sabeel Ussalam which was then located in Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad. Later he taught Quran, Hadith, and advanced books of Fiqh in Darul Uloom Hyderabad to graduate students with great popularity. He was also honored with the position of principal, and continued to serve the madrasa for 18 years. Along with his teaching work, he was a preacher whose advice helped bring change and religious awareness to countless people.

It was 1992 when Hazrat, upon the request of a few close friends, made the journey to America where he now resides. Here, he has established Rahmat-e-Alam Foundation which aims to serve the needs of the American Muslim community. It serves as the umbrella organization for Shariah Board of America, Darul Uloom Chicago, and Guidance Educational Academy. Shariah Board further offers many services including Halal meat certification, marriage counseling, and Q&A.

Several other organizations run under Hazrat’s supervision, including Shah Maseehullah Academy (an online madrasah), and a few madaris and institutions in India where Hazrat continues to visit regularly.

May Allah SWT grant Hazrat health and ease, and give us the ability to benefit from him for years to come.