
Welcome to Darul Uloom Chicago, where our Full-Time Hifz Course is designed to immerse students in the profound journey of memorizing the entire Qur’an. Rooted in the rich Islamic tradition, this comprehensive program not only focuses on Hifz but also imparts a foundational understanding of Arabic letters, diacritical marks, and essential Islamic knowledge, or Deeniyat.


The primary objective of our Full-Time Hifz Course is to facilitate the memorization of the Qur’an with precision in recitation, emphasizing the importance of Tajweed. For those unfamiliar with Qur’anic recitation, we provide thorough instruction on Arabic letters and diacritical marks, ensuring a strong foundation before embarking on the Hifz journey. Additionally, students will delve into a basic curriculum of Islamic knowledge, including hadith, the names of Allah, and fundamental practices such as the correct method of giving Azan and praying Salah.


By enrolling in this course, students not only commit to the noble task of Hifz but also gain a solid understanding of essential aspects of Islamic knowledge. The benefits extend beyond memorization, fostering a holistic development that encompasses spiritual growth and a deep connection with the Qur’an. Our experienced teachers provide guidance throughout the journey, nurturing an environment that encourages both academic and personal excellence.


The Full-Time Hifz Course is structured to accommodate the diverse needs of students. The duration may vary, with an emphasis on personalized progress. The curriculum is meticulously designed to ensure that students, regardless of their starting point, gradually build the skills and knowledge required for successful Hifz. Alongside memorization, the course integrates the study of Deeniyat to provide a comprehensive understanding of Islamic principles.

Holistic Learning:

Beyond Hifz, our curriculum incorporates a broader spectrum of Islamic knowledge. Students not only memorize the Qur’an but also delve into hadith, explore the names of Allah, and learn essential practices like the correct method of giving Azan and praying Salah. This holistic approach aims to nurture well-rounded individuals grounded in both memorization and understanding.

Embark on this transformative Full-Time Hifz Course at Darul Uloom Chicago, where the pursuit of Qur’anic memorization intertwines with foundational Islamic knowledge. Alhamdulillah, we are honored to guide you on this sacred journey.